Monthly Archives: April 2013

Forks in the Road

Are we not inspired to be motivated to achieve those desires we have adopted as a result of such inspirations?

Do we not attempt to plan our futures with expectations of what is to happen at what time in our lives, bringing us to some kind of grand finale of success?

Sometimes life derails us off this planned way through life.  Can such failures be life showing us the errors in our inspirations?  How much of our decisions are inherently ours to begin with?  Are the influences we follow good for us spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically?

I have always allowed my choices to be guided by the principal of avoiding regrets, however there is always risk in choice when the information available is insufficient or subtly hidden in the information overload that saturates our minds daily.

In the void of indecisiveness life grinds to a halt, fear of the consequences of taking a risk the outcome will give us.  The important lesson is that without risk there is no experimentation, no experience.   Some choices are worth the risk, as long as the possible consequences are not severe or critical.  One must establish faith to learn.

However in a sea of misinformation it is necessary to filter out the nonsense of the amusers many take so seriously and the sophists so many fall for.   So necessary to navigate ones right of way through life is to have an accurate compass N-E-W-S.

Regret is unavoidable.  Only through regret can we correct our minds and bring it back to reality.  It is the alarm bell that sounds when the ship is heading for the ice-berg.

So many people are so determined to keep their dreams alive, they do not realize dreams are not always in harmony with reality, an unobtainable distraction that prevents the dreamer from acknowledging and responding to real issues.

Most of our daily events are automatic, we know the routine to follow from the minute we wake to when we sleep.  The risk with doing what we think is correct, when it is possible to be both correct and wrong (in causing harm, be it to someone else, or to ourselves).

There may be a wide variety of roles and responsibilities, however everyone’s purpose in life is to enjoy life.  It is this purpose that motivates us.

Most importantly stay true to yourself and to your goals and set a realistic time frame to accomplish them.    If you start small you can focus on the bigger picture,  everything can be acquired in time.

Every phase of one’s life are realized as seizing the new opportunities as life presents them.  This always seems to be a reward for the experiences mastered from the previous phases of life.  Therefore, the challenges we may find uncomfortable have purpose, and that is to expand our knowledge and strength that prepares us for the next phase.

With this in mind, it is not insane to be thankful for the difficulties one faces for the rewards they will manifest.
